
See this corset? It's over $100 dollars on eBay (link here, if the auction hasn't ended). Like I have $100 to spend on 1 element of my costume alone. So I'm also doing this project as I do all of my projects- on a budget. And that budget is $100.
That's right- I will make a costume that is LESS THAN THE COST OF ONE PIECE AT REGULAR SALE. And it will be better looking, too. Not that mass-produced, cheap crap. This will look AUTHENTIC.

(That doesn't include the cost of what I already have- sewing machine and notions, like thread and pins. It also doesn't count what I bought but didn't use- though I could probably include it and still be under budget)

I'm working completely with thrift stores, clearance sales, and free online tutorials, with a few rare exceptions (Don't have time to learn metalworking to make my rings- though I am making a few!) Some of the things are things I already had- I'm becoming a hoarder. I'll include any sources and tutorials I use along the way.

Hopefully I can get this done in... a WEEK. Like, under 8 days. Really, under 6, because I am going on vacation this friday!

Well, lets start!

Here is the lot:


I know, alot of stuff, right? I'll break it down for you by store first. Then as I complete projects, you'll be able to see how I used everything.

Store 1: Goodwill
This is DEFINITELY the first place I recommend going, for several reasons. First, it's cheap. Second, it's for a good cause. Third, with alot of time and a good eye, you can elimate alot of fabric needs by finding lots of a certain fabric. Look for long skirts, robes and coats, or blankets, or XL, plus size, or maternity clothing- more surface area to work with. I didn't have to get ANY fabric cut after picking through my local goodwill- and it's the smallest in the area!
Plus, if you bring in a donation and tell them you are going shopping, they will give you a coupon- $5 off a $10 purchase. That was definitely helpful with sticking to my budget.
Here is what I got:

Clockwise from top left- a black suede skirt (L) $3.99, gray polyester/spandex pants with a black suede pattern (L) $4.99, a long patterned skirt made of rayon (M) $2.00, Black vinyl leggings (XL) $4.99, a plain white cotton bandana $.50, a belt with a cool buckle $1.99, and brown leather shoes, size 10 $5.00. The shoes were my favorite find- they don't look like much, but believe me, they are a godsend.

I'm not gonna bother rotating the picture. Sorry.

I also got this jacket, which was another great find. Originally, I was going to try to make the coat myself, or just not make one at all. But after finding a great deal on pirate buttons on ebay (coming later), I had to try to do something. Unfortunately, there are limited tutorials on jacket making (see end of post for the first set of links). Plus, it is expensive, time consuming, and difficult to make a pirate coat (did I mention I'm a beginner sewer?), so when I poked around the blazer section, I found this amazing piece. (size 10) $9.99
TOTAL COST: $35.58

Store 2: ACMoore
This store was pretty dissapointing. I went here looking for vintage beads and buttons, but the selection was terrible. I didn't even get any buttons, and just got a few things on clearance.

I lost my reciept for this one, but I know the four pieces on the left were $1 each, and the two bundles of chain were $2 each. My credit statement says the same thing.


Store 3: T.J.Maxx
This might be cheating, because I work here and therefore can get a discount. However, I saved such a minuscule amount that I'll even budget it into the cost. This is a great place to hit if you need large amounts of fabric because their styles are pretty basic and repetitive, so you can get 5 blue cotton tank tops or 6 pairs of black leggings if you need to.

I got two shirts, both stretchy, short sleeve, white cotton. They're both huge- they're the shruggy type that's very "in" right now. I got one for $2, and one for $3. So together, $5- or $5.31 with tax. Not a bad deal.

Store 4: JoAnn Fabric's
Here's where I thought I'd spend the most, because I thought I'd be purchasing ALOT of fabric. But after hitting up the other 3 stores, and going through a few scraps that I have leftover, I found I spent a fraction of what I was expecting. My first tip is to hit up the remnants section. Pirates have alot of loose fabric- sashes, bandanas, palm gloves- that you don't need to cut up fabric off the roll. Remnants are less than a yard- but can be HUGE width wise, and are sold at hald cost. That was CRUCIAL to my budget. My second tip is to look through clearance in any section. I got almost everything else for less than $2 a piece.

In a general top-left to bottom-right direction: red remnant, $2.83; red-toned striped remnant, $1.95; white remnant, $2.13; white remnant, $.75; brown remnant, $.27; white ribbon, $.5 each roll; wooden box, $1; eyelet set, $2.99; white boning, $9.87; gold button, $.97; silver clasp, $.97; sun beads, $.97; white pearl beads, $.97; black beads, $1.97.
 TOTAL COST: $29.47

And here is the stuff I already had:

I have a white blouse my sister gave me which i might use to make the peasant shirt, black stretchy cotton pants my aunt gave me, and a jewelry kit, because I already make jewelry. 

So far, the total cost is $78.36. So I'm still under budget! Yay!
Remember, if I don't use it, I will deduct it from my budget later. This is just a starting list of the raw materials I plan on using. I already don't plan on using some things I got, and some are superflouous things that aren't essential. But so far, this is what I got!

I'll update this page as I buy more or decide not to use anything. Hopefully I can get started on the crafting aspect!

Posted 08/23/11 12:41 AM EST

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